KaijuMonsteR Gallery, founded in 2016 by Martijn de Zwart, is one of the leading high-end art toy and sculpture galleries in Europe with a focus on Japanese produced Sofubi works.

The gallery’s program includes important established artists such as Marmit, Target Earth, Dreamrocket, SkullHeadButt, Siccaluna, Amapro, Blobpus and Karzworks as well as such emerging notable talents as Algangu, KKfactory, Roughneck:7, Awesome Toy and SX-Toy.

KaijuMonsteR gallery continues to develop long-term relationships with artists, manufacturers, private collectors and corporations around the world, placing high end art toys in on display at many international events such as New York Comic Con, ToyConUK London, Dutch Comic Con Utrecht, Amsterdam Comic Con and Art Toy Culture Seoul.

We welcome the opportunity to work with both new and established collectors to help build their high-end art toy collections. In addition to our diverse gallery inventory we are able to consult with clients, guiding them in the sourcing, acquisition and de-accessioning process ranging from Eastern to Western high-end art toys and sculptures.

For more information about KaijuMonsteR gallery or to inquire about particular artworks please contact us at info@kaijumonster.com and we will be pleased to assist you.

T9G ART EXHIBITION 2012 “NEST” at minorityrev hirao 

T9G ART EXHIBITION 2012 “NEST” at minorityrev hirao 

 "To perform a solo exhibition between December 15 to 29 at the San minorityrev hirao Fukuoka.

This time the main custom of New PeaKY.

I have created a PeaKY of about forty.

Do not miss one of the highlights of Toshimashite, so I'm also produced SHYLY wearing a Lacoste polo shirt remake familiar crocodile marks of another also.

In addition, we will not have their cooperation in collaboration with writer-san again.
Your partner has become a content rich variety Nakazawa greeted Shoko 
MOGraphixx, of KORATERS, Mr. Ito minorityrev, Inoue-san.

When you come to your area, please visit us.

minorityrev hirao
2-19-35 Hirao, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka
Tel 092-534-8518
Fax 092-403-1828

A 10-minute walk from Nishitetsu Hirao
150m north from the intersection in the direction of lodge as Hirao
Eleven before
A day, seven days a week except New Year 12:00 to 20:00 hours"

(Google translate) 

via museumt9g blog, here.

More pictures after the jump!

 We also plan to sell the product version PeaKY yellow and white as Commemorative.
¥ 3,500 one animal